Yesterday, we took the 3 fast dogs hiking through the meadows and the redwood forest for a couple hours. There's a creek that Gustavo swims in and Ruby tries not to fall in. Good and tired dogs after they run for 2 hours straight on the steep trail through the woods. Santa Cruz has miles and miles of the most beautiful land I've ever seen. It was in the '80's this weekend and it was a nice place to go on a hot day, and in the middle of the day so we didn't have to worry about taking 3 single servings of bobcat snack out during coyote witching hour at dusk.
We went to a spot where it's ok to ride horses and mountain bikes. Because those are super low impact to the environment. But not ok to take dogs. Which are super high impact to the environment. My dogs could easily scare a bunny. Probably even cause global warming, Al Gore. Well, we take 'em anyways. Never see anyone in there but a handful of bikers with lots of tattoos and special bike crash padding because they are gnarly. We have to leave our car on the university campus to get there, because it's illegal to park on any roads around there. And it's also illegal to have dogs on the campus. So have to walk 'em down the hill to where the trail starts, right by a large sign at the entrance to the campus clearly spelling out N-O D-O-G-S. I made very, very sure to drive the speed limit and wear my seatbelt to get there though.
I swear I'm not trying to be a criminal. But I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I just like to walk around on the land that is 5 minutes from my house and run my dogs. That's it. Are dogs a gateway drug? Is the next step embezzeling the elderly and cooking up meth in my garage? Then I start trafficking in sex slaves and stealing copper pipes off construction sites? Do you see the trouble I get in just from staying home from one single dog show?
Hey, not to change the subject, but to change the subject I made a quiz. Called the Which Member of Team Small Dog are You? Quiz. You have to go to here to take it. Come back and tell me if you ended up the Team Member you thought you would be.
whoo-hoo!! I'm Otterpop!!! Not everybody's favorite, but scrappy. -Laurel
LOL! I'm Ruby!
"Maybe not Mother Teresa, but the name Sister Mary Ruby says a lot. However, prone to growling noises and actually very, very fast. Yet cunning at the same time. Complex, you are."
Too funny! Gustavo was a close runner up..but Yes, I'd say I'm quite complex!
I would like to believe that I'm like Gustavo but feared I'd come out Timmy. However, I, too, am very much like Ruby, not at all like Gustavo, and only halfway to bumping into random things and expressing my confusion in strange and disorderly ways.
Best quiz I've taken in a long time.
I thought for sure I would be Otterpop (that's the cranky one, right?) but I suppose my hatred of frisbees pushed me over to Ruby. Otterpop came a close second and then sadly Timmy won out over Gustavo as someone was waving their hands in my face and I couldn't hear them just yesterday.
I'm Ruby. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
hey, which one is afraid of flies in the house? My dog Lucy became afraid of flies in the house a few years ago. I'm trying to figure our what in the world brought it on ... but now that you mention it the whole CIA angle makes perfect sense.
I'm a Ruby... :)
I be timmy
perhaps the forlorn skinny thing got me?
I hear pretty good and run around too ...
but I like the name timmy - maybe that is it ...
I'm Ruby:)
Estoy Gustavo.
Oh, i'm Ruby girl!
i tick alot of answer that have the word 'food', might be the reason...lol..
btw.. i don't think the authority will put you behind bars...mostly juz a ticket... so don't worry..
Yo soy Gustavo, and very happy about it because that's exactly who I want to be when I grow up. Clipper ship captain! Party on!
Not to change the subject or anything, but I've been thinking about what to say to the people-who-put-their-dogs-on-leashes-becasue-someone-told-them-to. While "Leash my ass!" has a certain appeal, it doesn't seem likely to win any converts from that faction. On days that you feel like you have a little patience to spare, how about something like "I'm practicing civil disobedience" or "I'm a conscientious objecter"? If they seem even a teeny bit interested by that (and again assuming some spare patience on your part), you have an opening to explain to them that there is in fact another way to respond to stupid government behavior that is honorable and occasionally even effective (I mean your behavior, not the government's -- I'm not sure how to fix the structure of this sentence to make that clear (without this parenthetical note, that is)).
Or you could just save this approach for when you have to talk to the judge....
Alaska: How about (very confidently and with a cheeery smile) "Oh, we're using the new invisible leashes! They work really well!" And then you keep going before they can ask any questions.
I'm Ruby with a healthy dose of Otterpup.
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