Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though fossil fuels turned water into poison that melts the coral reefs.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though the rains are stopping and things dried up way too fast.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though it is sequester.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though my dear friend has lost her son.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though there is just go to work, come home, then go back to work again.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though there is so much stuff, everywhere, cloggin up open space, causing choking.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though same sex marriage is illegal, and transgendered kids can't use the right bathroom.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though the skinny, limping guy was holding up his work for food sign in the middle of traffic.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. Even though lethal bomb explosions happen.

Heather took these lovely pictures of my dogs. And that's enough to make me happy.
Oh, the post vacation blues.
Yesterday I found myself missing you and the dogs, wishing you lived closer. Heather's photos make me happy too.
thanks Heather!
yes, yes, yes!!!!
yes, yes, yes. survival life philosophy .
This makes me happy and sad at the same time...
Such a nice dogs whenever i saw small dogs my heart say to me go outside and play with them.what is warts
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