This weekend was a campout. Not just any campout, but the Dream of the '90's Dog Agility Woodstock.

After our opening ceremonies, somewhat delayed due to horrible beach traffic but who cares because dream of the 90's dog agility woodstock and much generously donated free Sierra Nevada beer, the games began.

Hula hoop gamblers, a huge favorite new game for all. If USDAA doesn't pick this one up someday, they are missing out. It's all in the cores, my friends.

Dave ended up judging. He did have to make some calls as to what exactly constitutes hula hooping. No one filed any grievances to my knowledge.

Oh hi! It's me!

Then came the very controversial game, egg and spoon agility.

You will notice that Channan is NOT using a ladle here. Ladles, it turns out, add a 10 point fault to your score.

Ahem. As does DOG EATING EGG. Mick.

Did you know that in some parts of the country, a chuckit is considered a spoon? I am not sure how many faults were added for chuckit spoons, if any, since actually, you can sip soup from a chuckit. It got very complicated.

Luckily, we had score table people who were well versed in the rules, or at least made them up very quickly.

The podium! Winners galore!

Everyone brought whatever they wanted, wrapped up, for the podium. I went home with 4 squirt guns, a deck of cards, socks, plastic german shepherds, and the vintage needlepoint owl that I brought with me in the first place.

Nobody should ever have a party without Kraig.

Then there was the campfire part. And the food part.

And then there was this part. I am not even going to try to explain this part.

Or this. I think this was when the light sticks came out and border collies started eating cupcakes.
Then there was the dance party. There better not be any photos or videos of the dance party popping up on facebook. I AM NOT KIDDING ABOUT THIS!

Then there was the campout. Camping in style! If camping is always like this, I am now ALL about camping. There was a whole lumberjack breakfast cooked by Wendy in the morning. Then even more agility. And leftover cake. And beer. The dream of the '90's was totally alive at dog agility woodstock! Hope to see you there next time!
sure sounds like we missed out on an historic event. if only santa cruz was not approximately 1104.75 miles away from me, i definitely would have been there.
Well, dang, I didn't read this post until after I spent half of last night and another couple hours this morning figuring out how to edit and post videos of, like, dancing on facebook, in between being sick and in and out of feverish naps. Too late now. After all that angst and pounding on the desk and hallucinations that turned out mostly to be real, the videos will have to stay.
Also, jeez, I hate videography. I will try to stick to photography from now on, although I can't promise anything because, you know, inspiration strikes unexpectedly.
Sometime maybe by tomorrow I'll have sorted through all my hundreds of photos and posted the rest other than the ones that I already posted.
OK, I hate photography, too.
Not really. But sorting & labeling & editing takes longer than actually taking them.
I had a GREAT time at Dream of the '90s etc.
[that would be "post videos on facebook of, like, dancing, ...." Sorry, Mary.]
Oh, I never posted the link to more more more photos? https://elf1.smugmug.com/Dogs/Parties/DreamsOf90sDogAgilityWoodstock/
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