Uh oh, the rain returned. A lot more sitting inside, and less practicing for Gustavo.
His magic recipe for great weave poles, so far, is that he practices them multiple times in a week. The more poles he does, the hardest entries stay easy and the hardest times to stay in the poles, like going fast towards a tunnel, not so hard anymore. Same with his teeter totter. Same with his dogwalk. Same with threadles. Gustavo is a dog that needs to practice, practice, practice. He's on the Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hours plan.
When it rains, not so much practicing. Except tonight! Dirt Nite, in a covered arena.
We have some openings in our Dirt Nite classes right now! All levels, from foundation level with Dee, to beginner classes with me, to pre trial level with Dee, to competition level with Rob, all the way up to our super most fun, completely insane Euro course challenges taught by super agility professor extraordinaire Rob Michalski. Something for everyone!
We will be running tonight, even if it's raining, on nice dry dirt with soft padded felt added just for faller downers like me. Right off Highway 1 in Watsonville. If you are interested in joining us at Dirt Nite, send me an email! We would love to have you!
I see you've picked up some marketing pointers from the master, way to work it girl, don't be shy...
wow, that sounds like fun!
every once in a while, i wish we didn't live in Santa Rosa....
Well, golly jeepers, batman. If Mary's comment isn't the best ad EVER for Dirt Nite, I don't know what is.
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