In today's photo, I am smashing Otterpop. Otterpop is attached to my hip. I went out to work yesterday for a couple hours because I wanted to give 3 of the girls, the nice and perfect good girls who ride pretty darn good now, an extra lesson before they head to a horse show next week. I forgot the dogs in my car. About halfway through the lesson, in the fog, I realized that I just up and left the poor dogs sitting in the car. Good thing it was not a hot sunny day. Anyways. They were just sleeping, just got out of the car and ran around then ran into their little dog pen. So much for attached to the hip.
I completely missed the Fun Match of agility today of which I should have been helping out at. But, it involved some organizational skills that I just must have been using to misplace tile specs for bathrooms and I didn't enter, and it filled up. It was in Hollister, the same weekend as the Big Hollister Biker Rally, which means the road there and back would be full, full full, with bikes, bikes and more bikes. It is huge. It would actually be fun to go and see many bikers everywhere, but not with small dogs in my red dog agility shorts. I mean me in my red agility shorts. I have never been to a giant motorcycle rally, but I imagine it as being something enjoyable that I would like. Like square dancing.
Usually, I have a pretty high level of organization when it comes to the dog shows and not forgetting to enter them. I have a binder, and I make of list of all the shows that are coming up for the next few months. I get the premiums, I mark up the entry close date, I enter by then, it uses paperclips and and postits, check marks and lists. This is something I only do for dog shows. The rest of my organization for all things in life that do not live inside the computer is very poor.

For instance. This is my office. I have a whole room to use to put stuff in, that is called a Home Office. In magazines, and websites, these always look really great and organized and have little cubbies and fabric covered bulletin boards. With ribbon. And cheery white distressed antique desks. And victorian taxidermy reliquary domes.
Mine had nice plaster walls and ceiling til the leak started. I have things from Ikea to put stuff in and then I just shove stuff in them. I don't know what is in them. Where are my taxes? Somewhere. What is all that crap on the desk and where else can I put it?

I covered the bulletin board with fabric. Camo. And put it in a fancy gold style art frame. Instead of organized things, there are pictures of monkeys and Princess Diana. And the internet lives in a blue dresser. With a taxidermy squirrel blank on it and a boy scout patch and shopping bags of fabric. And a big pile of dog hair that someday I will spin into yarn. Lexi will do that for $2000. Instead maybe I'll just glue it to a taxidermy blank. Does everyone save their dog hair like that? In the Home Office?
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