I left the dogs home, they would have been in the buffet table. That's just my dogs. They lived. They likely drove Timmy batty all day. It's good for him to have pals some of the time. He is doing so much better, he can walk/limp now all the way to and from the park and on a good day all the way to the beach. Most of all, he is happy and seems perky and healthy all the time. Miracles of the drugs.
It's a Sunday, and I am home. Which is weird. It's only 8am and I am not even sure what I am going to do all day, I haven't been here on a Sunday in months and months, or if I've been here it's been houseguests. Gary panicked when the alarm didn't go off, and thought we were late for work. Nope, it's just a Sunday and I was actually home. We have a lot of these coming up, no dog shows for me until late August. There are a few summer shows here and there, but they are hot and Ruby for sure doesn't run well in the heat, so I am of the why bother mindset about those. Especially because something still seems off about her. She looks sound but she isn't right. Not bad enough to go to the vet, I would rather just give it some time, her symptoms seem too vague to start into a whole vet workup about. Maybe it's just old age setting in.
I had a dream that the house on Freedom Blvd (the 10 acre old apple ranch with the forest on the back and loud road noise from the grandma house and everywhere else on the property) was dropped in price over $150,000 and we still couldn't afford it. And it had all these perfect, flat sections in the dream, including a huge arena with jumps in it already. Today I may spend some time wrapping my head around the reality that if we want a farm, we have to move to another part of the world. If we want a new house, we also have to move to another part of the world. We just like our part so much it's hard to imagine what section of the whole entire world we would pick. That's a lot of space I am ruling out based on I like Santa Cruz County. And the issue of Gary wants to keep his job and we sort of need him to keep his job so he gets some retirement pers someday. In a long time. When we are probably too old to be able to have a ranch because we will be too creaky to use shovels and dig and hammer a lot which is very important when owning a ranch.
Here's one that we can maybe afford, but probably still not. It's on Mystery Spot Road which is a long, one lane road that the Famous Mystery Spot Tourist Attraction is also on and many, many buses travel on in the summer to take people to see the Mystery.
It is also very, very dark and creepy up there. I do not want a house in the dark and creepy forest. I have told my realtor many times that trees and dark forests are out, Sun is the new Trees! Big flat meadows. So she didn't tell me to go see this one, I just like the price and the fact it has 5 acres (of dark creepy forest) attached to it.

They sell these dolls at the Mystery Spot. They are creepy. You see where I am going with the creepy business. But really. They sell these in the tiny creepy wood paneled shop. Which actually I love but they are a good creepy as opposed to genuine, creepy forest of dark trees creepy. Treepy.

We went there once. It made Joel have 2 chins and made him much tinier than Lexi. It made Pixel eventually grow up due to the weird magnetic growth horomones put out by the creepy trees there.

This was a long time ago, because that is Pixel not Atom strapped onto Lexi, and Karl has so much hair. I think 2004? That was the year I got married and we still had the old barn and the dogs ate Santa for Xmas and Otterpop appeared to us on Larkin Valley Road.
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