11 July 2006

Buying the Team a Ranch

One of my hobbies is ranch shopping. It is more of a lifestyle I guess. One reason is that I work on a ranch, but I don't have my own, and, long story short, this is not a good thing.

We visited a flat piece of unimproved land with a house that is very expensive (aka ranch) yesterday that I love very much and we might try to buy. We have done this before. We is mostly me and the team since my husband is not so sure about ranch purchasing and tries to stay out of it as much as possible until we are suddenly in an escrow we can't afford. But the team is all for this because there will be room for dog agility equipment under the scenic oak trees! Near the future pasture. It is within driving distance to the beloved beach! The house is not disgusting! It is under one million dollars.

The team is also entered in a practice, faux dog show this weekend. That would be a Fun Match in agility lingo. These are very important to Otterpop's life since she can pretend that the judge is not going to do whatever it is she believes they are going to do to her in the name of evil and get a treat. Otterpop runs around like an exorcist character because she belives the judge is satan and has to watch the judge at all times before having a huge meltdown flip out and trying to attack the judge. Luckily she is not a rottweiler and usually people just fall down laughing instead of running in terror which I am pretty sure is the effect she is after. At the dog show, she cannot have a treat for not flipping out. At the fun match, she can have a treat each time she selects jumping over something vs. unleashing seething judge hatred.

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