Banksy said Happy New Years early, on Friday night she earned her ADCh! Under one of our favorite judges, Judge Paco from Mexico. We have been slow to gather pairs Qs, Banksy isn't exactly calm out there in the arena when a pal is running. Banksy would like to all the agility all the time and not wait her turn. But she's learned how to do this, we started running the pairs, and now she is an Agility Dog Champion. We were thankful to run with our friends Carol and Bo, they kept their end together and we finished up clean!
A lot of Qs, Banksy is now all qualified for Cynosports but for one more Team Q and one more titling Q. All the Biathalons, Grand Prix and Steeplechases all done, with 2 Grand Prix byes so we can go to 2 regionals. Phew. I wasn't the best team player, made some mistakes, but our team still came in 5th place with a Q. Thank goodness.
Gustavo got to run, too. He had an amazing Steeplechase, and won 8" Jumpers. My little buddy is 11 years old and still runs his heart out, as fast as he can. Banksy is only 3, I hope she's still running like that when she's 11 years old. Gooey gets the shaft, he hates the long days sitting in the car with not enough fun and not enough running, but he's soooo VERY happy when he finally gets his turn.
There were too many bad things about 2018. Dog agility was not one of them. I guess though, it was the year of Banksy's injury and her 6 months off, so even dog agility got kind of bad in there. Could have been a lot worse. I suspect that 2018 will have a lot of badness, that's our lot for a few more years. So we just look for where we can find the happy and where we can find the good. Friends and families and dogs and horses and forests and beaches. Appreciate them all while we still got them.
Happy New Years, friends.
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