A lot has been happening in 2 days of the big dog show. Banksy spent a lot of time in her crate. Gustavo too. He popped a pole in Grand Prix, but came in 2nd in the first round of Steeplechase. Hooray for Gooey! He ran his fastest and so did I. Steeplechase is our favorite.

There was an alien invasion in the equipment trailer where I keep the toilet paper for the whole entire dog show! That was scary.

Guns and lassos saved the day. I still don't budge on my stance about gun control. There is no proof that assault rifles can save us from alien invasion. I'm not sure where Donald Trump stands on this.

Never Mind Dogs looks not very impressed.

There was also some actual agility. Lots of it!
Even Banksy got to do a little run for a fundraising fun run at the end of the day. Where I got to bring in my toy. I felt a lot better carrying a little security blanket piece of rope. I didn't have time to walk a course, so just did some little pieces. Stopped dogwalk, a work in progress. But I was mostly happy that Banksy was super focused and didn't care about the other dogs around. It was the end of the day so the other rings were done, but it gave me hope that Banksy will be able to do this soon without blowing a gasket.
Banksy is ready to get a number and sign herself up for the next dog show. You could always starts with snooker, gamblers, and jumpers and just go out and have a good time! We wouldn't even tell the judge that you might have a small piece of rope in your pocket, just for security, that only your gazillion readers know about. :) Banksy looks awesome and congrats Gustavo!!!
Awesome job! Banksy's weaves are fantastical!
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