Here we are, finally doing some Christmas shopping. We got to the mall pretty early and Banksy is good at finding parking spots. I think Otterpop was in line at Starbucks already, they have those nice red holiday cups this time of year. I believe that this was a good shopping day. You know what they say. Red sky at morning, you have the best chance of making it out of the car park alive.

This is about as close as we've gotten to Christmas decorations this year. We're using a lot of water and mud. It's been too warm for icicles. The halls are looking pretty decked and the stocking are hung near the dryer. Remember to turn your Christmas boots upside down to drain, unless you want soggy reindeer socks.

Oh look! Eggnog and Elf on the Shelf! Good morning and what's your favorite color? Here are two of Santa's fluffiest little elves after knocking back their Starbucks at the mall. Don't feed elves caffeine. They prefer cotton balls and shredded fish bodies that the giant white stork birds drop in the swamp. When they take flight I release the elves to herd them from the ground, Santa says this is a great way to cross train them for pulling the sled.
1 comment:
Also I see two crazed shoppers fighting over something invisible, possibly the last Tickle Me Elmo.
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