I didn't even notice the year was ending and there were top tens and this kind of thing. Parties. Sparklers. The noticing came more late at night. We did notice the fireworks on our block as the midnight happened and some of us noticed more than others. Some of us were having a crazy dance party to oldies. There was no time for sentimental thinking. Along the lines of is Gorillaz oldies? Hells to the bells for staying up so late, is all I can say. And I heard it will be the Year of the Horse.
A Top Ten of Sorts
Russell Banks
Wizard of Oz
Big Lebowski
Steve Buscemi
Tina Fey
Camoflage clothing with a generous cut
Jaakko over Ketschker
Artisan pizza with carmelized onions
Sees Candy Bordeaux flavor with the sprinkly jimmies on top
My black dress with a gold woven whiskered puma pattern and pockets
Grandpa's prison baton that helped stop the 1953 race riot in the Illinois State Pen
1 comment:
happy to see that the wizard of oz, the big lebowski, and steve buscemi have survived another year with the respect they deserve.
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