You can see exactly all of Gustavo's teeth here. I think there are about 12 left. Total. He spent the day with the special veterinary dentist for dogs and returned with a mouth full of stitches, a reconstructed lower canine, and that's about all. A few little teeth here and there. He loves everyone at the dentist office, and they love him. They don't get to see many dogs with teeth like Gustavo's there, he was a special case.
Poor guy, he had to have been hurting. He had 16 teeth extracted during the summer, I have them in a jar. His vet was scared of the rest, and sent him off to the dog dentist. Who knew there was a dog dentist?
She wasn't afraid. This has been inevitable since the first day I laid eyes on him and his horrible, diseased little teeth. Because he has microvascular dysplasia, he has to have anesthesia just so, and can only take certain kinds of drugs. It takes a village to keep Gustavo ticking, the dentist and his awesome techs are now part of his team. I was very relieved to get him back tonight, all in one piece. Minus most of his teeth.
I don't remember why he had to have all his teeth out--little jaw, big teeth? Glad that they're all taken care of for whatever reason.
awwwww big hugs to you both!
Gustavo has had horrible, diseased and disfigured teeth since I've had him. They were like little ticking time bombs of horrible, and this summer the project to get had to start. There were a lot of infected roots and I don't even remember what else. Really, really bad teeth. I think he will be happier with no teeth, but it is going to be a big adjustment.
Poor dog. I've been very lucky with all of my dogs' teeth over the years. But I've heard from other people whose dog's teeth mostly had to be removed. Sad, but I'll bet it's sadder for us than for them.
When I got a lot of teeth out for my braces, my Mom made me a lot of J-ello.
J-ello for poor G-man.
My cat monday has adorable and very healthy set of teeth. Unlike mine, they're horrible and disfigured. My orthodontist in Melbourne dreads my visit. Haha!
That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing this story about your pet. Small Animal Specialist Hospital
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