I went over to San Jose on Sunday to give the USA World Team a hand at their practice. They are trying to get all ready for the FCI World Championships in the Czech Republic.

Lucky for them, I know exactly where Starbucks is. Coffee fetching was my very important job.

I am also an excellent course builder/dance coach. These courses were pretty complicated to build, as they utilized the fancy wall as well as cones on the correct sides of jumps, and also there was a certain amount of special dance choreography required to keep practice running smoothly.

These are the regular agility coaches. I would say though, that Kathy and Nancy, good as they are at agility coaching, are somewhat useless in the hoochie mama solid gold dancer coaching department.

Here's Nancy giving all the sheltie people an inspirational coaching talk about shelties. Boy are there some fast shelties. I didn't catch all the dance moves of the sheltie people. I am sure they were awesome.

The whole team is numbered so that no one gets lost or unaccounted for when they're in the Czech Republic. They just have to make sure to have their cone with them at all times. Then you always count 4 border collies, 7 shelties, and one pyr shep. It's the ordinal number buddy system. I am pretty sure that they should be bringing along a dance coach as well, but so far, no one from AKC has invited me.

Hey Carrie, I wouldn't even need a cone or anything! I will totally help you with your dancing! Just ask Ashley!

Mostly, there was a lot of really good agility. Practically zero dropped bars. Some off courses here and there, the courses were awesome and all of them had some very challenging bits. Everybody was working on running clean and running fast. I think the US team looks ready to go! Good luck everyone!
I laughed at "Tcam goes here" for about 2 minutes straight.
(can't at all have anything to do with sleep deprivation...)
Yeah, I think that would be the sleep deprivation, Tori, because bad photography is no laughing matter. You must have stayed awake the whole time on a red eye last night. Good luck with your big project this week!
Thanks for fetching coffee.
Thanks for coaching dancing.
Thanks for hanging out and entertaining us all with your own hoochie mama dance skills and of course for living to tell the tales (tails?)
Nancy G
You rock! Thanks for the help and now blogging so we can rest. :)
Laura is I ever get a budget for a World Team Starbucks fetching, hootchie mama dance instructor and keep of ordinals you are at the top of my list. Until then the most I can do is say THANK YOU for all of your help & instruction yesterday :) Carrie
I would probably be really bad at fetching coffee in the Czech Republic anyways. I might come back with, um, I don't even know. I would probably get lost on the way and then end up in Slovakia or something.
You might bring back Slivovitz!
(plus some great stories)
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