The dogs are having a busy month. Yes, there are 2 weekends of dog shows coming up. But during most of their their days when they're not busy with agility or running around on the beach or in the forest, Otterpop, Ruby and Gustavo are ranch dogs. Which means they laze around on the deck and snooze while the horses and the people do all the work.

This month, we are moving all the horses to a new ranch! The new ranch is actually located on the exact road where Otterpop was captured as a truck chasing puppy 7 years ago, which is only 5 minutes from our favorite beach and only 21 minutes from our house! Otterpop is in heaven, because ranch dog is her true calling and she is getting down to business monitoring tractors and trucks and workers and the pasture full of sticks and turkeys as we prepare to move the horses.
Otterpop is a dog that needs a job. The other dogs are pretty happy to lay around and frolic in the sun. Otterpop, though, is a serious little worker bee, taking care of business. I have never seen her happier than she is right now, working away getting the new place ready. What would be ever do without Otterpop?
Here's to shorter commutes! Congratulations!
One week no Team Small Dog Blog? How will we go on? I was all about supporting the small dog only laws and my mentor Otterpop has left me hanging.. hurry back popster.... ~Remington
The whole moving a business and it's many horses to an entirely new ranch is kicking our collective asses! Otterpop is busy supervising the move. She will return shortly.
It's way hard just to move myself and all my crap. Moving horses is insane. Or makes you so. I'm guessing. Just listening to my sister trying to move one or two periodically.
Ok glad you checked in... they are making me work too, well guarding my mom's office although they say I do more sleeping then guarding...
Yes, horse moving is a big deal, they come with even more stuff then us dogs do and their stuff is big and heavy, especially those hay bales that they eat. I try to help in the moving of horses but they always lock me up because they fear I will get hurt.
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