12 October 2011

Everybody's a critic.


Anonymous said...

Go, Otterpop!


thebichons said...

Everyone's a critic...

Anonymous said...

Gustavo is all in the background thinking "is that stick made of meat?"

Susan in MA said...

Inquiring minds want to know what it is that you are making? Did Anonymous, The Bichons, and Nosemovie all know and I am clueless?

team small dog said...

It's a collection barrel for Annie's Blankets, a non profit that collects blankets for animals to use in kennels in shelters. It's a mini mural of team small dog flying around on magic carpet blankets. And I made Otterpop look fat.

dog bite attorney los angeles said...

Otterpop just looks so cute. I love your painting. I guess just looks so cute. I love just didn't understand it.

Anonymous said...

Your dog looks so cute and adorable. Does he paint? I bet he can!

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