This used to be the drug dealer phone. Now it's just an Otterphone. Use the touchscreen at your own risk.

This is the corner box with all the wires. I think it controls radio communications with the mother ship for the block. Otterpop likes to get up there and stare at people walking in and out of the corner store. Just don't make eye contact with her, and everything will be fine.

This is the tree in the old folks apartment complex parking lot. There are no bears in these trees, ever. I can't confirm this is because Otterpop and Gustavo can climb trees, nor can I deny it. It is usually preferable to have dogs in your trees, as opposed to bears.

If you see Otterpop in your front yard tree, you could throw her a chunk of meat. She'll go away eventually. She just likes your tree.
otterpop up a tree. might that be an upcoming tee?
Otterpop and Gustavo can climb trees to where the squirrels live. That is living the dream.
Obey the Chihuahua!
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