I don't know if your neighborhood is encased in sub zero ice at the moment, because I stopped listening to the news in the car.

I'm not even sure what happened in Egypt today. Sorry about that, Egyptians.

I know the days are just a little bit longer and if I just say hasty goodbyes to all my favorite ponies and drive really fast, and if we all run as fast as we can, we can get to the beach right at the end of the sun, when it's already dropped into the sea but the sky is glowing enough off the water that we don't trip on sea shells and crack our heads open on sharp, dangerous, ocean things.
Like crabs. See? It's not all fairies and rainbow unicorns over here. We could trip on sand crabs in the dark and they could pinch our eyes out with their razor sharp claws.

Also, I had to put on a long sleeve shirt to take these pictures.
Not really.
Okay, I hate you. Not really, love the photos. We're encased in snow and winter's going to last 2 more months. Maybe if I look at your beach pictures and say 'there's no place like the beach' something good will happen.
Here in Cincinnati it's getting to be more like endurance than enjoyment. Lol!
Beautiful sunset. Although it does want to make me throw things at you.
I am very happy for you. Now if I can just defrost my fingers from being outside without gloves on for 2 mins I will wipe my fake smile off my face. Can you find us somewhere to live near there? I can do without penguins for the rest of my life.
One of my dogs misjudged the back stoop this morning and landed in a 3 foot snow drift and couldn't jump out of it! I had to put on my boots and haul him out of it and of course I got snow in my pajama pants! So yeah, we both are packin' snowballs with your name on them! LOL! - Cindi
We have the beach, too. We are so lucky. I put on snow shoes and trudge through 2 feet of snow and 8 foot drifts at the parking area to get there. Then we get there, but cursing you the whole way and wondering if we should move to the other coast, and pretend we are you even though we are dressed like puffy, fat penquins. We feel better until we have to make the trek back to the vehicles and then we hate penguins and you again.
I kind of had a feeling those photos might strike a sensitive note.
We wore shorts today, and had an agility practice in the sun. It was kind of hot and I wished I had on a tank top.
It was sort of breezy though, and I think my lips got a little bit chapped. So that's kind of a bummer? Have to remember to get some chapstick?
Omg...you are cruel!
at least there's no humdity HERE! and my hair is nice and smooth, not at all frizzy....
but of course no one can appreciate it under my winter hat and besides they are just staring at my frost-bitten dripping nose.
ROTFLMTO! Oh that made us giggle. Up here in Vancouver it has been unseasonably warm and we know how you feel - it's tough when you have to wear long sleeves!
I spent Saturday afternoon fishing on the lake. Literally, on the lake. The lake is covered in 18" of ice. There are several little shanty-towns of shacks painted in either Green Bay Packer colors or camoflauge. Each shack has a pick-up truck parked along side of it and at least 1 24-pack of beer in the snow next to the front door. The lake also has its own race track because there aren't any demo-derbys in February; so we have ice racing.
I live amongst a bunch of red-necks.
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