Esteemed council, confidantes, friends, family, and lurkers alike. I have an important question for you, one that must be answered choppity chop chop.
Should I put Otterpop in a tote bag and me and her fly on an airplane to Kentucky to compete in the USDAA Cynopsort World Games?
I suspect this would be a true adventure. In that fiasco sort of way. One that for many years, would give me lots of ways to start sentences. The time that I put Otterpop in a tote bag and we flew on an airplane to Louisville, Kentucky. And lived to tell the tale.
I looked up Kentucky. It looks like a nice state. Sort of flat on the bottom and bumpy on top and laid out horizontal. Like it's sleeping but awake at the same time. Louisville, home of sluggers and bourbon and named after a dead, French king, is up on the top right bumpy section. Why, it's practically Indiana, up there in Louisville. Who knew?
So I ask you, internet. I know you're there, but you're shy. I met LOTS of you over the weekend. Right? Hi, Stalker Girl! I bet when you're not on the internet, you have lots of opinions. How often do people actually ask you for them? Now here's your chance to chime in. Do you think that me and Otterpop should go? Are you going? But back to me and Otterpop. Should we go? Because it's all about me. Clearly.
Tick tock. Tick tock. We don't have much time to decide.
Yes yes yes! It's no problem flying with a pup - especially if you can get a direct-ish flight out there. The only real pain is that you have to give up your carry on for the dog, and they ALSO make you pay extra to shove the dog under the seat!
Go! Run! Have a ball!!
Yes, you should go! What an adventure. No regrets - just go have fun!
Did you watch Show Dogs Moms and Dads? Kyra Sundance's dog got its own plane seat to sit in as she is a celebrity dog. I think it would be so cool to sit on a plane with my hound dog in the next seat. He would probably order a beer.
Go and have a good time!
Do it! When will you have another chance for an adventure like this?!? Plus, I personally can't wait to read all about it.
Go! It'll be awesome.
Go! You will have fun and Kentucky is nice.
Don't fly.... what is it? United? Yes, United.
They break guitars.
A Big YES! I'd love to hear what Otterpop thinks of Kentucky and the big show.
Since you have lots of absolute support, I'll jump in and be devil's advocate (because unfortunately I have a knack for that).
Has she flown on an aeroplane before?
Can you get there a few days early so she has plenty of time to adjust to the time change and the humidity?
Will she miss her TSD teammates terribly?
I guess I cant really come up with any stumpers other than the biggie:
Will she stay sound?
But I dont think Oprah, Miss Cleo or Kate Gosselin can answer that, so...
Go for it! It will be an experience, and that in itself is worth it.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! And yep, we are going too.
YES YES YES!!!!! who knows when/if the big show will return to scottsdale (remember when you thought that was too far?) life is too uncertain not to go. next year, captain trips might leave the pages of the stand and infect us all, eliminating the opportunity to go to cynosport. or even to be alive. ok, i'm a bit of a bottom line person, but still, GO! it's only $$$ we don't have anyway.
Absolutely! Give me someone to root for! I luuuuv Otterpop. She reminds me in many ways of my Sooty dog (it's mostly around the eyes and ears, and oh yeah, the barky mouth), who flew in an airplane to many USDAA nationals and was proud to represent all the little mixed breed dogs out there. GO! Kick some sheltie butt and write about it for months/years to come.
Another stalker coming out of lurkdom to vote so I can live vicariously through the Great Adventures of TSD.
Liz these are all questions I am asking myself!
No she's never been in a flying machine! She enjoys riding Roomba and the skateboard down our driveway. And I can stay her on tall things to take a photo. This probably doesn't count.
No she could not get there at all early! Her handler is someone who usually pulls up to the dog show when they are just finishing up course walking. We would hopefully at least arrive in the middle of the night before!
I think she WOULD miss her team mates terribly, and this worries me very much. She might feel very special being the only team member going and riding in a special tote bag maybe. But she has NEVER been away from Ruby. Ever. It would make me very sad to separate Team Small Dog, we have never been apart before!
Will she stay sound? A huge chance of not staying sound! Absolutely! Definite fiasco material that we fly to Kentucky and her leg hurts. She sure has been looking good recently, but she can have a sore leg at anytime!
Liz a girl after my own heart! These, and the whole how to leave work for a week are huge issues of concerns!
Yes, go! Spending time alone on a trip with one of the pack is very special. Who knows if you will get this chance with Otterpop again. Just sayin.
I posted my comment and then worried you'd think I was negative Nancy, but these are all things I have thought about too (not that we are even an iota close to being invited to anything like Cynosport Games) as I like to stress needlessly about things that may or may not happen at some point in our lifetimes...
I figured you were way ahead of me on all of those fronts. Otterpop seems like a pretty cool cucumber...? If she rolls with the punches in general, she'll probably be fine. At this point in time, my dogs would not handle that well, but I think she's a lot more worldly than they are.
I know you'll make the right call, whatever that is.
All about you? Pshaw! It's all about Otterpop and she wants to see her name in lights! It's her Destiny! And it's your job to facilitate that - to announce to the entire (agility) world: OTTERPOP!
You'll have to remember where you left your keys... for a whole week... :-)
don't know anything about flying with a pooch, but that aside, I say GO!!!
I went to Cynosports in Scottsdale last year with the dogs and hubby --just to watch, we weren't entered -- and we had a blast. Sat in the stands and cheered with Bay Teamers, took photos of all our friends. You're sure to have a great time...
I'm also on the devil advocate side. Once you consider the negatives, it would be a fun adventure, but I worry about her not being with Ruby.
Here's a suggestion. Take a road trip and leave Ruby at home (are you headed to Turlock?). See how Otterpop does without her girlfriend. If she seems fine with it, then take the chance and go have an adventure.
But...start training her to sit in her travel case NOW! I've got one you can borrow, fits nicely under airplane seats.
I have flown many a time with a small black dog in a tote bag. *Monkey screams* sometimes get you your own row.
Can Cooper share a tote bag with Otterpop??
He would like to go to Ky too :)
If you can swing it - GO!!
YES!! I think you'll always regret it if you don't. You will have fun, you will learn so much and you'll have blogging material for years!! As to missing the other dogs, can you room w/dog friends?
Yes, I think you should go! Get Otterpop used to being in a sherpa bag and away from Ruby a little bit and then just go! It will be a huge adventure and you will regret not seizing the day!
Hmmm 'tis a puzzlement. I would have to vote on the "Aye" side. My only experience flying with Zane was kinda a disaster, but he was a trooper and we will do it again this year.
There are lots of devil's advocatey reasons not to go, but the big one on the non devil side is that you've earned it! While she may miss the rest of the team, this isn't an opportunity that comes along all the time (unless you are an über world team type handler and they don't count). So, go! And do what you do best...have fun with your dog.
Both my kids took their "high school senior" trips to Scottsdale to run their dogs at Nationals. Both had a GREAT time and still talk about it. I'm SO glad that they got to go. They said just seeing Steeplechase under the lights was worth the trip. I say go, because for some of us, it's a once or twice in a life time adventure.
It'll be an awesome event with lots of cheering, singing and serious agility moves!! Why put off till tomorrow the super festive fiasco you could be having right now! Just pack up the Otterpop and go already!
Wow! Thanks, Esteemed Council for these good opinions and advices! I have about 40 emails here from people too with all kinds of good advice, and Nancy G. called me with detailed instructions how to fly with a little dog-I took notes! This whole thing sounds like something we could do. Stay tuned!
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