Photo Credit: John Sebastian Russo/The Chronicle
Dog agility isn't in the news very often. Leave it to me to get it in, and at the same time mention how much I like pie.
This San Francisco Chronicle article was the result of various interviews and multiple photoshoots, which caused huge consternations of what is the most flattering outfit while running around with the dogs. My council and I determined that it would be more humiliating to have a support undergarment show up in print than a beer gut.
The photographer was really nice though. His mom does dog agility in her backyard, and his wife gives him constant art direction about correct angles for chinnage and flatteringness. He even climbed in a tunnel with his giant camera. I think the photo he ended up using is very realistic. In fact, I think that's exactly what I looked like with Gustavo in Masters Gambler's on Sunday, minus his dirty-sock-on-a-rope-toy.
Your outfit choice is/was very flattering, and your legs look especially ripped. I bet your legs alone get a few SF Chronicle Fitness section readers to take up agility...
Nice work.
Congratulations! Nice article.
Wow, how cool is that?!
P.S. You're now permanently on the BT web site news page. :-)
Gustavo is a chihuahua?
I love how happy you look when you are running. I often feel that happy, but when I look at video or photos of my runs I always seem to have my "game face" on. Rather scary when you add a couple of chins ;-)
You are just famouser and famouser. Congrats.
I remember when he was interviewing me I sort of hemmed and hawed when he tried to pin me down as to what breeds of dog I had. Somehow out of that, Gustavo turned into a chihuahua. According to scientific DNA testing, he isn't. He's sure small and chihuahua-like in that photo, though, so I guess that's what Sam the writer picked all on his own.
Sam the writer grew frustrated with my answers during the interview. He was looking for short and to the point. I pretty much talk like how I write. Not Sam's cup of tea.
Ripped legs must be from the magic of John the photographer. In real life, my legs just look pretty much like legs.
I had no creative control over anything here. In my blog, I have complete spin control. Interesting how things turn out according to someone else's subjectivity.
Yeah, I had a similar experience once. Gotta watch what you say, and I tend to overtalk, too. http://mytown.mercurynews.com/archives/campbellreporter/08.25.99/cover-9934.html
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