There is something to be said for when you take a break from agility. During the break, you might find yourself asking something along the lines of Exactly Why Did I Get Mixed Up in All of This?

I ask questions all the time. Why Haven't I Won an Oscar Yet? Why is There a Giant Black and Purple Schoolbus Parked in Front of My House? Why Did the Creepy Fat Guy With the White Hitler Mustache Say the Deer Antlers Cost Thirty Five Bucks? Why Doesn't Facebook Let You Fix a Typo?

Sometimes I find answers to these things, and sometimes I must move on to the next question. Do We Really Need Dog Agility in Our Busy Lives?

And then I'll just move on to the next question, and the next. Why Can't I Think of Good Birthday Presents for Anyone? Will I Ever Win a Pullitzer Prize For Literature or an ADCh?
And then I just go and do some dog agility. And then likely the questions just start again.
Why do I keep asking myself these questions?
How can it be almost 5:00 already? Again?
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