In case you felt underdressed over Memorial Day weekend, and want to make sure you have something patriotic to wear to Fourth of July festivities like BBQ's, Civil War re-enactments and hiding out in the dark with tranquilized dogs, get your Wing to Euro t-shirts while they're hot. Every sale helps chip off a chunk of dog airplane ticket for Wings to fly to the Czech Republic in July for the European Open.
I'm trying a new shirt printing company here at the same time, everything printed on American Apparel, which, if you believe the marketing, makes you look like a slutty porn star when you wear it, which is sort of cool, even though it isn't. Let me know how you like the shirt if you get one.
Are these sized for men or women? We love Wings almost as much as we love Tervs kicking international butt. I'll mention these on the Belgian e-list.
These come in a variety of styles and sizes, both mens, womens and kids. And a tote bag. Something for everyone!
Ok I'm dumb...how exactly do you buy a shirt from the linked site?
Just click on the link, which takes you here:
Click on the picture of the shirt, and it gives you options for sizes and colors, and a button you click to Add it To Cart, it's a regular online store.
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