I don't know how we ever stumbled through dog agility without iPad.

It's everything, and so much more. I love to snuggle iPad in my lap as we memorize courses together.

There's nothing to worry about out there with iPad. iPad finds the Starbucks nearest the dog show, dashes in, orders a mocha, tells all your Facebook friends you just had coffee, and gets you back to the dog show right on time. And ring conflicts? A thing of the past. There's an app for that.

iPad runs for 10 hours on a single battery charge, and has the accuracy of 3G + WiFi + rocket science Ghz processing. And at 9.7" tall, iPad is the star of the 12" division, especially if you kick up the clams for the 64gb drive. $829, kittens. But iPad's 1024-by-768-pixel resolution at 132 pixels per inch, not to mention bluetooth, assures you totally win Steeplechase every single time. You do the math.
I totally heart you.
Does it handle full blown fits of agility induced hysterical ringside border collie bark screaming mania? Is there an app for that? Because that might actually be worth it.
iPad never, ever has hysterical screaming mania. I believe iPad takes your blood pressure as well and whips up tasty low fat deserts.
Laura - you are a rock star! Is there an app for that? Thanks for making my morning and inspiring me to get with it and hone my photoshop skills.
Oh, fabulously brilliant! What the heck did I do before I discovered TSD?
I am so getting an iPad
And missed contacts/launches? (Only trials, mind you). Is there an app for that 'cause I'd totally get it in a minute. Sorry, Kip.
Come to the fun match with meeeeee! UKI agility!!!! Twisty euro courses! Of course I won't be at the work day because of actual work, so I don't have that decision to make. And the work day is a good cause and you do not have to pay money.
But UKI agility!!!! There is Starbucks almost next door!
I have never seen my photos used in a more constructive way than this! Puts me in the best possible mood right before going to bed. I've been wondering for 2 days why on earth anyone would want an ipod i mean iphone er ipad and now I know! Plus mary has to come to the UKI fun match with us!
Thank you, Laura, for your review of the iPad. Until I read it, I had no intention of purchasing one. I thought it was only a glorified iPod. Now that I see how it will enhance my agility ability, I have no choice (run to bank, take out loan) but to get the 64gb iPad as soon as it is available.
I prefer toys breeds, so I'll stick with my iPhone. It runs great at 4" jump height! It just has a little trouble getting over the A frame.
But it's really, really smart. And helpful! Right now, it's mixing up a tray of Manhattans after serving up a wonderful crown roast of pork with potatoes Anna.
Thanks Steve Jobs!
I already hate myself for being on the let me know when I can buy one list. I'm a sheep SHEEP. That's why I have border collies....LOL.
Debra Kay you will have to let us know if your agility improves due to iPad!
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