Everybody loves the forest I like to call the Grotto By the Abandonded Car. Even though everything I know about grottos is just from that grotto at the Playboy mansion which is actually a giant hot tub filled with monkeys and playmates. I've never even been to that grotto. I don't even know why I decided this was a grotto if that's what a grotto really is. And now it's too late to change it's name. And even though this grotto seems like it's deep in the forest and not in the monkey filled backyard of the Playboy Mansion, it's close enough to a road that someone could drive a car off the grotto cliff if they wanted to. Or didn't want to. That couldn't have gone well.

In the summer, this is all about dog swimming. In the winter, it's all about dog mud and silt and filth. I got done before dark yesterday and took the dogs in for a quick run mud swim.

Here's how we get there.

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