I usually get up really early, because either I like to wake up with the sun or Gustavo climbs onto my head at 6am sharp and the distinct feeling of a monkey pawing around in my hair and licking my skin jolts me right out of sleep in a panic. This morning, when I was in the shower, everyone else sleeping so peacefully. Quiet, well behaved dogs resting until it's time to go to the beach. Except for one dog, who not naming names if your name is Otterpop, who patiently and purposefully waits until I'm in the shower, then goes in and starts barking at the other dogs until she incites a howling riot. Premeditated, howling mayhem. Our walls are thin. I can hear every single bit of this from the shower and I have a distinct feeling there is probably cursing going on from anyone else who was quietly slumbering in the bedroom. Emphasis on the WAS part of that sentence.
I am pretty sure this is not a problem at Nancy and Jim's house. Just going out on a limb here to say that, but I'm pretty sure. And now Nancy has a new puppy and she has made a blog all about training it so it doesn't DO STUFF like that. Nancy is my dog agility friend, she has mostly border collies and one small sheltie that regularly beats the pants off of Otterpop. Some day, Jack, some day. When she's not busy training her dogs and her puppy and winning at dog agility shows, she is also the AKC World Team coach. Her husband Jim is my dog agility teacher, whenever I have enough cash for my homeschooled dogs to go to the big academy named Power Paws, where all the champions train. He also just happens to be, like, a huge super champion of dog agility, with his super champion border collies. You met him here once. He trained Black Beauty how to meet sheep her first time at Power Paws.
So my dog agility friends, perhaps you start getting some more useful information over there. It was nice knowing you.
I could be wrong, but I don't think I'm going to get any tips on stuffing dead animals, dog riding monkeys, spirit beasties, home improvement, illegal dog walking, fashion advice, or how to get arrested in 2 easy steps. I think I'll stick reading this blog....a trained dog? Bor...ing!
Yeah... but that other blog reminds me of all the stuff I didn't do with my rescue puppy. So, I'll continue to read your blog where the real world dog training is going on!:)
Plus Nancy doesn't have small black forest creatures over at her place.
My dogs held a down stay today for like 20 minutes on a bench to listen to a music show by a 4 year old AND were the good examples for the 4 year old because THEY knew how to quietly be on a down stay and not attack anyone with swords! They did not get sent to their room on a time out! Trained dogs!
Ilove being mentioned on the Team Small Dog Blog! I asked Jim today if I payed Laura money if she would write funny things about me, and lo and behold.....
Did Jim tell you it was my birthday or something, well it was:)
When I was in Colorado a couple weeks ago I was asked by agility folks there if I knew the famous blogger LW and the t.s.d.'s. These people that you do not know get up each morning and read your blog so they can start their day with a smile:)
Nancy G.
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