This is what I look like at 6:30am on a Thursday. I may be brain dead but I am listening to the sound of nice, quiet, sleeping dogs and nice quiet dogs just standing there on colorful backgrounds. I am happy because there is no barking.
Thursday mornings make me brain dead because this is what I did on Wednsday:
Get up. Go on the internet. Get ready for work. Go on the internet some more. If by internet you mean the facebook.
Take the dogs to the beach. Drive there fast because now it is late because of the internet.
Run run run unless you are the dog who can only walk and me, walk walk walk.
Go to work. Drive fast because now it is late because of the beach which was late because of the internet.
Work work work work. Say hi to dogs a couple times in their dog pen. Listen to the sound of nice quiet dogs that don't bark.
Go to Dirt Nite at 5:30 on the dot. Drive really fast because now it is late because of the work.
Get all the agility stuff out of the trailer. Set the course by dragging heavy, dirty items through dirt. Drag stuff fast because now it is late because of the dirt. Not really. But it is dirty.
Teach agility class. Try to explain again why contacts are such a lovely idea for everyone's future in dog agility. Everyone does agility nice and fast because we like fast. But let's try stopping on contacts. But you told us to go fast? Um.
Walk the dogs. Eat an apple for dinner before it is my turn to run dogs in the late class.
Listen to the nice sound of quiet for the last time.
Listen to barking. Walk course. More barking. Run dogs. More barking.
Run first dog. Listen to dog agility friends trying to train my barking dog. Starts out like, "Good dog! Lay down!"
Train barking dog to do nice tricks and anything other than barking at border collies.
Run barking dog. Listen to the nice sound of no barking.
Run third dog. Listen to my dog agility friends try to train my barking dog. Has sort of morphed into "Goddamnit Gustavo SHUT UP!"
Train barking dog to do nice tricks and anything other than barking at border collies.
Repeat whole running/barking scenario several times until it is after 9pm and the courses are looking sort of like they might be drunk.
Drag heavy items back through the dirt into the trailer. Enjoy sound of quiet again.
Go home. Go on internet. Enjoy a pop tart for dinner.
Fall asleep with my friend Top Chef. There were knives involved and then, that was that.
Those colorful dogs look mighty familiar but I'm not quite placing them.
BTW, it's only in southern california where they say things like "the 101" and "the facebook," even in jest to compare with "the internet" as I know you were. Don't let it become a habit.
It already is the habit!
But the way Laura uses the grammar is branding! TSD brand. Never stop!
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