20 January 2009

We hope it's not a labradoodle.


valpig said...

TRULY A DAY FOR HOPE, which even a labradoodle cannot erase (but could include the hope for no labradoodle as well as hope for world peace)

Jen Lindsay said...

Now that's what you need for your Team Small Dog economic stimulus plan. I would totally buy a photo of my dog tricked out in Obama campaign poster style! Cool!

And Blogger software needs to update their spell check database - I'm getting the red squiggly line under Obama. Come on, it's the President's name!

Elf said...

Oh, I'm sure it'll be a poo or an oodle of some kind because of The First Allergies of The First Daughter.

Unknown said...

How and where were you able to create that poster?? Inquiring minds need to know. I am a team of small dogs too in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Love your blog.......How do you order your T-shirts???

Take care,

team small dog said...

Uh, used the power of the art? Maybe not want to try at home, I am a professional.

To order t-shirts-2 ways.

1. I have a few of the older Team Small Dog shirts that you can view on the Shopping page-http://www.teamsmalldog.com/tsd_shopping1.html, if you email your approx size I can see what colors I have left and have you paypal me the payment.

2. You can buy white t-shirts with the Team Small Dog logo just by clicking on the Buy Some Shwag Button on the right side of the blog page, which takes you here http://www.cafepress.com/hellotimmy/6225793
those are dye sub prints, not screenprints and will be sent to you straight from the shirt people. I don't make much money on them but this is whats I got until I do new shirts.

Hope your team of small dogs have good sweaters for Canada!