15 January 2009

A tiny part of a bigger plan.

As part of the Team Small Dog economic stimulus plan, all drawings sold in the Team Small Dog Etsy Store will now cost the same as one USDAA Dog Trial class. You buy a drawing, Otterpop, Ruby, or Gustavo gets to do a run. Otterpop is 3 pesky Gambler's Q's from an ADCh guys. In honor of your purchase, at the startline, after I kiss my dog on the nose, I will look up at the sky, squint into the sun AT THE RISK OF GETTING NEW WRINKLES, and say quietly, "Thanks (insert your name here)!" I'd get you a plaque or something but no I wouldn't.

Look for the button over there on the right that says "hey! Get your original Drawings from here-Now!" Click on it. That's just how the capital letters came out. Pens do that. More drawings to come.


Agility Foot said...

So, does this mean you guys are coming to Turlock at the end of this month???

team small dog said...

We will be there on Sunday. Please make sure it doesn't rain. I believe we are at least close to Otterpop's drawing to class quota so I went ahead and sent 'em. Let's keep buying those drawings folks!

Anonymous said...

Better get to sketching. I am afraid it might jinx the run to buy the Ruby's Panties one.