Laurie, my yoga teacher said if you are prone to stress and anxiety, you should try 1/2 an hour of pranayama practice in the morning. I say this as if I go to yoga
OoooKaaay. Deep Breath Start. I had no internet. Email in in front seat of car in front of internet cafe. Wifi Pirate. Guys. I breathe internet. Choking noises ensue and the internet dead and needs a new part? I have had this dsl since the dinosaurs, weird hair band fella at Circuit City. What you do when it breaks?
They tried to tow my truck. Not car am sitting in. Hooptdy truck that lives on the street. Which has to go where the weave poles were-driveway. Gustavo!!! We have been trying to practice but the stress of it all! Black Beauty lives at my house currently and will likely have an adventure to Motel 6 this weekend for Gustavo first dog show. She needs a home. Right dog for someone else, not us. She is matching and is sweet, but she is someone else's dog. Hi Someone, come and get her! A nice single lady that will tote her places!
Uh. Other dog. Whole other story. Project dog. Someone get her please! Olympian is at Barn. They all spook at Cow Jump. Godamn horse went down to it's knees. Am dusty and sore. Then Fed Ex guy won't deliver. Is not fault of dogs. Just fault of no signature due to know one ever home. Is not because am at yoga class. Means now we are standing in line at Fed Ex place.
Finding dog homes via email w No Internet. Easy! Someone take this chihuahua! Then the pitbull puppy was chasing them down the street and finally caught it. Stupid lady. But at least did not tow truck. Drag dog to alley to meet lady thanks cel phone. Little shit of a dog. Involves way more running than normal for 8am in the street.
Then all the people start calling about the horses. Except have to leave for work to get there by 7am? What time is that? When is the internet? No one at Circuit City knows if this internet machine works with Macs. So much hair gel on employees in their red shirts? There are routers and modems. Much eye rolling every time I say Mac. Which one broke? Hiya! Sarah Palin?
Take BB for interview. You guys, reading this? Because check email during BB interview. Crack that is internet. She is a good girl but only wants to be on Team Small Dog. Look at Maia, BB. Tell her through telepathy new mommie. 12 hr days yet getting dark early and dark in am!
How many hours spent trying to make an internet in the dresser drawer? How many dogs am sneaking into Motel 6? Which have to leave late for due to Olympian? Wait am in Live Chat room with Sherrie 22186 in India! She will help make the internet work. What time is it? Hello dinner? Sherrie 22186 says via the chatting:
set Radio Band to 20 MHz and set Standard Channel to 11. Then save the settings.
2. Go to the "Wireless Security". Right below the Wireless tab you can see Basic wireless settings and right beside Basic Wireless settings is Wireless Security sub tab.
3. Click on the drop down arrow for Security Mode and choose WPA Personal.
4. Make sure that it is set to TKIP.
Uh? Well. No sleep later, one chihuahua that is learning to sleep in a bed and be potty trained later, still need to leave for work like right NOW but having an internet is perfect version of pranayama bananarama for me. Can breathe again. Thanks Sherrie 22186, wherever you are. And one new blinking light machine to add to drawer.
1 comment:
Whew! You are in serious need of some deep peaceful visualization exercises. I am hyperventilating just reading your post. No internet?! It would be nuts. I am going to nationals and staying in a trailer onsite and there's no wifi there. I have been on web, identifying everyplace within a mile that claims to have free wifi so I can bip over there every evening and do Crucial Internet Stuff. Just paid $200+ for new powerbook batteries. $200? For a battery? It doesn't cost that much to replace the battery in my car! But then, the car doesn't connect to the Internet.
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