homeless guy with your
big growling rottweiler
wants to bite my dogs
girl in your white car
drives way too fast on my street
loves playboy bunnies
you are gardening
and your ass is in my way
i guess you can't move
drunk guy on his porch
AA pamphlets on view
will always say hi
shiney land rover
grateful dead stickers on it
don't know who drives it
this part of the block
has many cats and squirrels
small dogs scream and pull
abandoned old car
spray painted bright neon green
no one will tow you
we have lots of time
to think about syllables
timmy barely walks
excellent word choice
creative juices flowing
walking tiny dogs
Seeing Timmie’s face
So sad, so old, so white, sweet
Think he needs a hug?
Tens, thousands of miles
away, our walks coincide
yet it means nothing.
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