You know I've still been out there. Pretty much every day, people are coming back and we just keep our eyes open for the rangers. It's been pretty much ranger free in the later evening out there. Mornings, still see some rangers occassionally.
This is ho hum, but in case you are in Santa Cruz and you didn't get this email, and you don't go to work or to a Fun Match or dog show on Saturday, how about going to Take Back the Park. Take your leash but don't put your dog on it until the rangers show up with their assault rifles. I will actually be at work instead of this event, but maybe you can go:
(this is an edited version of the Friends Of Lighthouse Field email)
Saturday, April 5th - 9am at the center of Lighthouse Field
Listen to what City Council members have to say. Let them know how you feel and what you think!
Beginning at 9:30, we will be continuing our park stewardship activities with a clean-up event.
Many of you have contacted us with reports of a dramatic increase in illegal activities (camping, drug use, fights, vandalism, dumping trash, etc.) Some have reported getting approached and yelled at by people partying in the bushes, running into camp fires and seeing large parties in the bushes and parking lots. Many of you have commented that you feel all alone at the park and, as a result, unsafe.
We must not let State Parks intimidation or criminal elements keep us away from our park. Your presence at this gathering will make the very important statement that “we will not be turned away.” There is strength in numbers -- let's have a BIG turnout to show politicians and press that we care.
It seems to us that the State Parks bureaucrats are more interested in harassing people about leashing their dogs than in managing crime. Come to the community gathering and express your dissatisfaction with the condition of our park and anger at being targeted by the State Parks rangers while so many abuses are being ignored.
Carry signs that express your feeling of loss, disappointment and dismay at the deteriorating condition of the park, reaction by State Parks rangers, and the mistreatment of our community. And you don't have to have a dog to support this rally. The attempted expulsion of most of the ordinary people who visit the park daily has a negative impact on the park and surrounding neighborhoods -- a serious concern for all Santa Cruz residents.
It is the urgency prompted by your letters and emails about this dramatic deterioration of our park and concern within our community that called us to have this rally. We all need to support each other and our community!
Join us Saturday, April 5th at 9am. Ask friends and family to come with you. As always, thanks for all that you do!
1 comment:
I wish I lived in Santa Cruz (but I actually live in NC so I don't think I can make it), I'd be there! Good luck with the cause.
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