Let's just say that really a lot of bottles of wine were opened, and then I got into a fight with her. This is pluckyfluff. The nation's foremost handspun yarn spinning yarn spinner and someone you don't really want to reckon with. We had a good reason though. She loved the movie Into the Wild and I think you know how I felt about that movie, right down to those ugly ass film titles that still give me nightmares sometimes to an Eddie Vedder soundtrack.

At some point I think it is possible I started seeing things in doubles.

That's when the fun just begins, right?

Luckily instead of dreaming about those horrible film titles and mountain cam Sean Penn shots, I had dreams of nice things.

Like these.

But then I got woken up by a spitting headache and a dog standing on top of my hair licking my forehead and I believe that I may have invited a whole lot of people over for a garden party today and I have an unplastered office and no garden and dirty things everywhere and the paint is all falling off my house and I believe that I may have said I would cook things. And my car had a sleepover at the dinner party. It is a glamorous lifestyle indeed, but someone's got to do it.
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