Just kidding!
OK. It was raining, that much is real. And those would have been super things to do if I was someone else. Except I started taking pictures of things and then the camera held them hostage and then had to look for the really good black pen that is the best one for drawing things such as a really good Letter R or a rabbit and then I remembered I said I would solve the mystery of the broken RSS feed and then it was time to go to the wet barn to see how wet the arena was so I could have another swell day of handwalking.

Here's the dogs learning their great new tricks!
Here's me fixing the broken RSS Feed.

Before fixing broken RSS feed.

During fixing the RSS feed.
Time for a Product Placement!
If you are ever wondering, hmm. What is a nice present for Team Small Dog? Besides ranches or a new truck or perhaps Hybrid Toyota Highlander car of spaciousness? It is the Kiehls! Whilst doing design for a hoity mens store in the Castro many years ago designing things such as Giant Signs and shopping bags for them, their employees hooked me on the crack that is Kiehls. All men that bought very expensive Italian jeans used it. As did me and the employees with access to tons of free samples.
Ever since then, hooked. Especially on the packaging. I have such sensitivity to offensive packaging that many shampoos and bathroom type products have to be banned of my bathroom. Not that I would do this, but even if I were to buy cheap product and refill it into a Kiehls bottle, I can still remember the package that it used to be in and it gives me the skeevy jeevies and I have to get rid of it.
Oops. Where was I?

After fixing the RSS feed. Well, actually the RSS feed is still broken. I am sorry RSS feeders. I didn't really even figure out exactly what is the RSS feed or how I broke it. I am sorry! That's sort of as far as I got. But look at the magic that is worked by the Kiehls!
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