If I had called him Hobbit, he would truly be like a mini Hobbes.
What has Gustavo been learning? Besides what fun it is to chew on pillows, glasses, buttons, pens, books and paintbrush handles? And Get the Cat. And I hate Pumpkins. And drop the bird if you catch it in your mouth.
Stay. There is a lot of stay around our house, particularly if you are a dog and you want to eat. Or get in the car. You need to know stay and you need to know your name. Because I am pretty stubborn about that one and NO ONE eats or gets in the car until EVERYONE stays. But we are working on it now, like, say you are on an agility field and you want to get over that jump or into a tunnel. Because that is way more exciting than even dog food or getting in the car. So we're working on a startline stay and using it to get us some good drive. I put him in a down probably way too much but he will stay put there and his sitting and staying is weak. So I'm trying to make sure I have him on a sit sometimes. I am a pretty lazy trainer. There are just so many dogs that when I want them all to stay put and not go anywhere, downs are easier.
Tugging with agility. He gets to play a lot. I don't know how old this dog is but he's still a puppy as far as I can tell. He gets a lot of turns when we practice, but sometimes they are very, very short with mostly just tugging. He is a tug machine. He is so little I usually just sit in the dirt with him. I have a lot of dirty pants.
Teeter. Started working on his teeter using the tables. He flips into a down at the yellow. This is Otterpop's teeter and it makes for a mighty fast small dog teeter. He likes it. It's fast. Just going the slow boat to teeter route with him because he is so little and there are too many little dogs that get scared. Even the brave Bodyguard herself, Otterpop, still has lingering teeter issues and will not do a teeter with me far away still.
Contacts. 2O2O. Trying to get a solid nose touch, he is a nose brusher, but he has the feet and head down great. He is just down at the end of the dog walk and a-frame, and on a little board, but I just bought a friend's contact trainer so he is going to learn in style, unlike my other poor dogs. The new tiny concrete driveway agility yard is taking shape. We will soon have a complete freak show equipment driveway for all the neighbors to mock.
Jumping. Easy grids, easy singles, and angles, wraps, front crosses, the tire, easy, easy easy, and starting to work a bit of a go-on as well. He is not a great fetcher, but he likes to run out for his tug thing then he is training me to run out there too and tug with him. What the hell. I need the exercise. He is not a frisbee hog like Pop, he would rather chase the other dogs that chase things. He could herd guinea pigs maybe. Or tiny miniature sheep.
You're tricking me with photoshop! I already believed he was a mini-Hobbes. It's like how I am a mini-Ripley from Alien movies. Perhaps you could photoshop me a little so people will believe?
Yes I trick everyone with the photoshop! Yes for your christmas cards to send the neighbors and relatives you could be the mini ripley with a giant gun! This is what the photoshop is made for!
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