OK. What is a hookah lounge? The logo has a little crown, like Madani is a queen? The queen of the hookahs?
The lawyer thing is driving me insane. The mom reports, "Jim has had one of his attorney friends read the release this week as well and he felt it was a very aggressive release and clearly designed to "go after people with deep pockets" should a suit arise. He said he would not sign it either and he felt we made the right judgement."
The ranch owner is just trying to have a ranch. She isn't trying to go after anyone. When I met with her today about this whole situation, she was kind of aghast. She is dyslexic and can not even read that great. Some lawyer told her this would protect her.
I think that basically, the family that is having this whole thing and making me so Mad just doesn't want to drive their kid to a far away barn. They do not get it that the old barn was horrible and made us crazy and was bad for the horses. The new barn is nice and the people are nice and it is good for the horses. Kind of a no brainer. They are just looking for a way to move barns but make me look like a bad guy I think, so their little girl hates me and not them. Hi! I am evil horse trainer that will not let you ride unless you sign the form, we must find a nice new one that has nice forms, even though I taught your tiny child to ride at age 5 and got her to win at shows even though she is untalented! The ranch owner now said she will get a new release, she didn't want to make anyone upset with it. So now we'll see what they do.
OK. Here is the new plan. We will find 20 acres. That can hold 3 houses, one for us, one for Karl and Deb, one for Joel and Lexi. There will be a studio and a barn and a horse facility. And a tractor. Maybe there is an extra house for my parents? There is already a perfect place with 3 houses on it plus a studio but it is 2.75 million dollars, one of my vets thought I could afford this because of all the houses. I looked at it and it was stunning. But we need something like just the land and we could build it and the land is $300,000 so we have room to build it. Now we just have to find a place where the land is that cheap and we could all be retired? And do things that make money from the land. Like teach riding lessons and train horses and graphic design and dog agility lessons and dog boarding. Compuer programming and Yarn spinning? Selling things on ebay and writing books that people will purchase?
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