Now it's 2017.
We spent New Years at a dog show. Banksy ran pretty great. We messed up in places, but she always runs pretty great. Banksy hates laying on the tables and waiting on a startline. Other than that, she's amazing.
Gooey had three runs. He ran amazing. He had all E's. If I see him starting to go around something, I don't fix, we just keep going. He runs very, very fast, and is very, very happy to do it and each run he ran by one jump, and I didn't care a lick. Gooey is pretty great.

Ruby came with us. Of course Otterpop did too. Ruby sat in the car and got out for tiny, shaky walks. That's pretty much her whole life right now, sleep and take shaky little walks. Otterpop did her usual thing. She's losing her hearing, and her knees look worse, and she wanted to spend most of her time in the car, in her bed, wearing a her big fluffy coat. So that's what Otterpop did.
In 2017, Banksy will turn 3, exactly. Gustavo will turn 11ish. Otterpop will turn 14ish. Ruby will turn 17ish. I will turn 50ish. We are all feeling our ages.

I have all these golden sunlight photos in my phone from dawn and dusk. They always look a little creepy to me, the dawn and dusk light photos, like someone's pointing a hose of yellow so bright as to squint you, at all the subjects.

Nothing gold can stay. If my words did glow, with the gold of sunshine. Stay gold, Ponyboy.

2017, coming in with that fool's gold. Be careful and don't blink. Move fast if anybody starts throwing glitter. 2017 is going to keep us on our toes.
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