15 October 2014

Today's the day, Day one of USDAA Cynosport World Games!

Gustavo is at the circus! Everybody gets to squeeze into a little slot in the big white tents. Even Banksy.  I apologize in advance to my friends sitting next to me for Banksy and whatever she's going to do. This is going to be a long week for her. And me. I decided to drive back and forth every day, exactly 1 hour each way. No matter if I go over or around the mountain. We dropped off our stuff last night after work, it's not too far from work. We can always just sleep out there with the horses.

Today is one run, the Grand Prix quarterfinal for Gustavo. On springy and perfectly flat faux turf! It's like one big fiesta of tents and banners and excitement at those rings! Everyone arriving saying HOLA! Gustavo believes he is at one big-ass party, this is either a great thing or will be a crazy thing for agility, and today we'll find out which. Look at his photo, do you see the alien beacon sticking out of his head? Hopefully this keeps him on track and all communications happen with the mothership prior to stepping into the ring. 

Whatever happens, running with Gustavo, my littlest and bestest fella is going to be a whole lot of fun and I feel very lucky to compete this week at the Nationals with him. Off we go!


Anonymous said...

HOLA, Gustavo!

Cait said...

Run fast and have lots and lots of fun! (And if you run into a corgi named Fran, tell her and her owner Courtney Cait says hi :D)