Otterpop is not a quiet dog. Otterpop is a very, very, very loud dog. She isn't shy about saying her feelings out into the air, loud and proud and loud and loud. She likes to say her happy feelings! Mad feelings! Sad feelings! Feelings about the UPS truck! Feelings about Gary is Home! Feelings about Time to Go! Feelings about the Frisbee! Feelings about That Stupid Guy Is Looking at Me and Might be Coming Over Here! Otterpop has a lot of loud feelings.

The other dogs are quiet. They have quiet feelings, most of the time. This is a nice feature that keeps my neighbors, who live approximately 5 feet away from us on all sides in my claustrosuburbia beach neighborhood from calling the cops. Or the dog catcher.
I try to mention this fact to Otterpop. Her feelings re. this issue are LOUD.

Otterpop is trying to teach Banksy about the LOUD! Balls are for LOUD! The tuggy is for LOUD! Use more of the LOUD! Banksy! You could be LOUD! Instead of quiet!

Banksy is a stealth agent. A Banksy needs to operate undercover. A Banksy needs sensitive hearing so as to never get caught. Banksy is a listener more than a talker. Most of the time, Banksy isn't loud. She's kind of quiet. Sometimes there is a the woo woo woo woo woo howling, which is piercing, but short. And a very growly little tuggy sound.
Otterpop sees this as a character flaw, and is working diligently to clear this deficiency in Banksy's character. This usually wins Otterpop a trip inside the house. Where she leads the rest of the team in a rousing chorus of howling. Banksy listens. So far, just listens. Thanks, Otterpop.
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