20 November 2013

Just going for a walk.

This is a pretty long, boring video. There's no point to it, really. It's just going for a walk.


Becky said...

Best 5:24 minutes of my day.

Sobaka said...

Great video. I loved seeing everyone in action, and seeing moving pictures of what you've shown us in photos and described (pool, rock piles, etc.). Beautiful place for a walk.

Tammy Moody said...

I want to walk in your woods. Freddie and I would like it very much.

Jenn said...

Oh, beautiful.

Anonymous said...

YAY! So good! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TO WHAT I EXPECTED YOUR WALKS TO BE LIKE!! It is the best. Otterpop still rules everything of all time.

team small dog said...

This was a walk in a park that is sort of like the woods, but really is just a big rural park. It is nice and close to my house. We have much better real woods to walk in. Maybe sometime another video. Next time I have a day off.

Penny what did you THINK our walks would be like?? More adventures? More cowbell? This was a pretty boring walk on the adventure scale, I would have to say. Sometimes no adventure is a very a-ok thing.

team small dog said...

Mary we miss you! The only thing missing from this video would be ROOOOOCCCKKKKKEEETTTTTTT!!!!

Jodi, eh? said...

"Hi Ruby" x 50
You rock!