I will now turn on some sad, '80's punk rock (How about some Minutemen!) and scream over it LET US ALL PRAY THAT DOG AGILITY KEEPS HUMANS WELL PRESERVED.
Oh Right! Because Now I Write About Praying! Creepy old person!
Everyone in these photos from the finals at the Western Regional over the weekend is over 21, and under the age of 103. Most of them won something or another. I won't tell you their exact ages because then they would all kill me. It IS possible that they are vampires, but we will leap on the theory that time spent running your ass off with your dogs on a regular basis is a good idea and leave it at that.
What are their secrets?
Has a tiny little grandma dog and tries to drag cranky friends out for wild dancing.


Has been known to show up at dog show with horses instead of dogs.

Would never just sit around downloading tv shows to watch.

Laughs louder than you.



Besides a border collie, also has a dachshund and a yorkie.

I'm pretty sure she never stops moving.

Read more useful and interesting things here. I will now go back to my happy place where me and my dogs will never grow old. Did you hear grunge is back in for Fall? Plugging my ears back up and smiling.
Laughs louder than you! I LOVE THE LOVE IN THIS POST.
The subject that must not be named is a celebration of knowing more than you used to and less than you thought but enjoying life more. Dance, laugh, and don't think about it too much...that's my motto.
hahaha, Mia's is excellent.
Pass some plugs, I'm lalalalalalalala-ing right along with you. Rock on.
This is a message for Gustavo. Please grow up so that all of your Mom's friends can continue to enjoy her company at agility class and trials and we can read about some good Gustavo moments on this blog.
from your teacher nancy
I will pass along the message, Nancy.
I will pass it along while we are playing with toys every morning. And while we are working on a impulse control game for his dinner. And trying to get in 40 recalls each day. And taking treats from me when he can see kittens. And while convincing him to not be afraid of bushes and staplers and funny rocks.
I think he might be doing the best he can. I am still trying to show him how there might be an EVEN BETTER way to do things, but I have a hard time spaining things to Gustavo. You gotta tell him next time you see him, Nancy. You might be a better splainer.
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