In honor of Thanksgiving Day and these great PIlgrim peoples, Team Small Dog takes a stab at explaining government. Because it was raining out and what else you gonna do with your day off?

Did you ever dream that you were a dog agility super champ except then it switched and you were at some germy, grungy, derelict seaside park in the dark and the carnies were actually drug addled zombies that were shambling after you with hammers and their big teeth? And then as you're trying to escape your way out from under their oily, horrible claws by clambering up a rat infested palm tree, you're all, this is about dog agility like, how?
I am so glad you understood the powerpoint presentation! Although it is jus as viable of an ending to arm oneself to fight off the zombies.
My kid went to a college admissions presentation and during the Q&A period asked the current students (on the panel) what XXX University has done to prepare them for the upcoming Zombie apocalypse. Four out of the Five students on the panel had NO response! Dude... I'm thinking you should go into education. America's youth (but not my kid) is sadly ill-informed about history (which you point out so well here) AND about Zombies. Sigh.
i think this is my favorite team small dog posting ever!
PS: team small dog for president!!!
As always, I am so much more enlightened about how things really work after a TSD explanation. It makes me happy, having deeper understandings. Keep it up; I like being happy.
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