09 October 2011

Ashley and Luka bring home Gold for Team USA at the 2011 FCI World Championships in France-outstanding!

We are all freaking out over here in excitement for our friends Ashley and Luka's Gold Medal Super Champ win at the World Championships. Massively exciting! Barking! Much watching the computer at o'dark o'clocks to watch some of the most exciting agility ever. Our agility heroes Silvia and La won the Bronze in mediums, and a French Pyr shep won the silver. We sure do love seeing all those Pyr sheps, some of the cutest dogs ever.

The whole USA team did so well though, I was so impressed by all the runs I watched thanks to the magic of the internet. Tori and Rev won the Team Jumpers round, Barb Davis and Skecher Super Amazing Sheltie won a Silver Medal, JD and Tantrum were smoking the small dogs, Laura J. and Kep blew us away with their runs. Congratulations to the whole US Team, no matter how you finished out the weekend, as far as I'm concerned, every one of you are super champs.


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Cool. Good for them

maryclover said...

Woo Hoo!! Lots of fantasticness! BTW I love your drawring. It's priceless.

manymuddypaws said...

I watched the run three times. Woohoo Team PyrSehp. :)

Unknown said...

That picture ROCKS. And so do Ashley and Luka!!! *More freaking out over here!!!*

OBay Shelties said...

It was a great run!