It's a pretty well known fact that if you have very long legs, you can do agility without even training your dog.

We are all busy people. None of us have enough time in the day to train our dogs. Like a goddamn second job. Pain in the ass. So one thing you can do is buy jeans that make your legs look long. This is especially effective with really small dogs.

You can also do various leg stretching exercises. You might need your dog to help you, but I wouldn't really call that training.

My friend Ashley does pretty good in agiliity. You want to know his secret? You're looking at it. Leg stretching. I mean, yeah, ok, it might be on an agility field, but you probably wouldn't actually catch him training his dog there.

Laura only needed to practice one serp over here, you can see her trying to get her right leg a bit longer. Once she has that additional few inches, Spider won't have to practice that pesky serp ever again. Also, Wendy might take her pants shopping.

When Wendy runs a bigger dog, she actually should be wearing a different pair of jeans. Probably the more expensive ones. True Religion should do the trick. It's a good thing she doesn't need to practice agility, because then there's more time to find that perfect pair of jeans.

That's better. She's not really practicing here, just showing us the length she gets thru the leg. I think that the subtle flair in them helps. Also, if she were wearing heels, she would get an even longer leg. Probably that's what she should do when she's running Kicks!.

Ashley isn't really practicing here. Pretend you didn't see this.

So the rest of us? You will note how out of position I am on the serp. I have a backy uppy disease. And my shorts are plaid, but sort of a stripey plaid that should be elongating my legs. Which in reality, are pretty stubby. Is this a big surprise? When you compare the number of national championships I've won with those of some of my agility pals, the answer becomes pretty clear.
I really need to get some new pants.
when you find those already trained pants, let me know where. i think we're about the same size. i might need to import some from santa cruz. all the pants in co are a minimum of 4" below the belly button, which, of course, makes the legs even shorter and impossible to Q in.
OOH, a wardrobe theory as to why one might be late for a front cross! MOST EXCELLENT!
I have non-long legs. And I have NO ankles. So maybe I am doooooomed!!
But I rarely wear denim for agility. I find I can't move in it at all. So.... Track pants for me! I also got the "minimus" shoes that "natural" trail runners are all raving about. The jury is out on those as well.
Thank you for explaining dog agility to me. I knew there was a reason I can't do it and now I know what it is. It's all about the pants.
I recently was a leash runner while Ashley was setting bars. Even sitting down his legs were twice the length of mine. I may have to look for a medieval rack on ebay.
I always despair when watching the walkthroughs at the the USDAA Nationals final rounds--er,'scuse me, "World Cynopsports Games" final rounds. Everyone there is at least 7 feet tall or at least their legs are, even if they're not quite 7'. I mean, watch Nancy Gyes run. She isn't quite 7' tall, but she covers about 80 feet in two strides, because she is ALWAYS there for the front cross or the serp. I think that some people have mastered how to move their legs in and out of another time-space continuum or maybe use worm holes so that they always get to where they need to be. So you're definitely confirming my observational hypotheses.
Yeah, Nancy is probably about 6'2" or so. That's why she doesn't have to train her dogs, they just but out of the cabbage patch all perfect!
I took my dogs to practice today. I wore capri's, which means we had to practice extra hard. Because they sort of cut your leg off mid calf and actually make your legs WAY shorter. So make sure, if you don't want to practice with your dogs, don't wear capri pants.
My dogs were awesome today, best practice in a long time. So I might keep wearing the capri pants, I guess. It's a quandry.
The length of leg can be extended across all non-doggie sports! I have seen skinny, LONG leg runners and riders fly right by me....and have dreamed of long, fabulous legs. but maybe lulu-lemon pants could be secret leg-extenders?!?!
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