Holiday Party season is upon us.

Team Small Dog has to go to their share of parties.

Some go fine, some, not so much.

We have included here, a handy clip-n-save guide to various violations of social norms that perhaps, you have already avoided.

But for just in case.

Because you are all Martha party throwers, and Sarah Jessica Parker party goers, you probably don't even need to clip-n-save. Go have your fun. Party on, dude. The rest of you, borderline aspergers in the wrong footwear, get out your scissors.
When are you going to have an exhibition of your drawings? They are super brilliant.
Oh, no, we already talked about cancer at a party! Dang! Good thing someone quickly changed the topic to the weather we've been having! If only we'd gotten your Faux Paws list earlier!
We finished that whole fancy pants artist with art shows a long time ago. No more art shows. Everyone was brilliant. Too much staying up all night trying to be more brilliant. Too much hair pulling out due to not brilliant enoughness. Now they only live in my little books unless I rip 'em out and sell 'em when I need the money. Art show on internet any time I feel like it and no hair pulling out deadlines or ringing up of people. Much better for me.
Yeah, cancer pretty much a sucky downer any way you slice it. As holiday party chit chat, maybe weather trumps cancer. Or no one should talk and just sit there quietly until it's time to go home.
Huh, I guess I assumed Team Small Dog would be doing this at Xmas parties:
Derrett system twister - one of my favorite TSD posts.
Hey, that twister threadle one WAS a good one. Who's in charge of quality control around here anyways?
I think I had a good run there where I could play twister at parties and probably even pictionary. And chat with others at the bar. Then sometimes, it's just all I can do to keep Otterpop off the buffet table.
I thought Gustavo would be wearing mistletoe?
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