Guess who's in the tote bag? Um. I may have not brought a hair brush with me. Also, I thought that top looked cute at the store. Now I think everyone might think I'm wearing jammies on the plane. And thank you dog agility student extraordinaire Holly who works at the shoe store in helping me select new shoes. I had a footwear crisis. Traveling is complicated.

High orange alert day. But it isn't illegal to stay your Otterpop on a airport sign. I was trying to put these on Facebook, but it acted weird. I bet because of high orange security. Curses, Mark Zuckerberg and your privacy settings. Maybe I was supposed to be wearing orange?
Otterpop is being a total model citizen of the airport, we are sitting and waiting for our first plane to Chicago, on the way to Louisville. Even though we left on Gary time, we have plenty of time to wait at the gate, and no barking. Right! No barking! Thanks Otterpop! In fact quietly laying in her tote bag chewing on a squirrel. A faux one.
We get on the aeroplane soon!
Have an AWESOME time on your adventure - Team Chihuahua looks forward to your Kentucky posts!
Have a great time! Good luck, safe travels and assorted whatnots.
Totally try the course-a-lure thingy if you have time!
Wow, I was at O'hare today too. I'm pretty sure Otterpop was not on my plane though, I'm sure I would have noticed that plus I was going the opposite direction.
Everything sounds perfect so far.
Good luck! I googled 'dog agility special shoes' yesterday -- starting a new class and worried about my general level of fitness & crappy old Keens -- I was hoping some bionic agility shoes existed. Better than that, I found your site, with the post on the red goretex sneakers. I read a little bit more, saw the line about what if you ran into John Doe in that outfit, and nearly dropped the computer. I am so in your army! We can make agility cool. I think. Not that I am anymore . . . . but I love the idea. Your dogs are adorable & fierce. Knock 'em dead, Otterpop!
Go Team Small Dog! Safe travels and have lots of fun!! Hope you took along your black skort for when you make it into the finals......
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