Maybe your refrigerator is a little blah. You liked those stainless steel appliances first, they said you would on HGTV. But are they making you feel sort of ascetic? Anaseptic? Apoleptic? Epileptic?
How about try a set of these postcards? Dogs on logs. Mostly Otterpop. Because she needs the cash. Mostly logs. Maybe a tire, too.
Five bucks gets you the set. You can mail 'em to yer friends. Yer enemies. Write a shopping list on the back and lose 'em in the store. Write down things while you're driving. The guy in the laundromat's neck tats said WHAT? Many uses for Otterpop cards!
Thanks the MANY of you who bought some shirts! I hope you like 'em! If yer irritated for all this money grubbing, oh hell. Kittens. It's called initiative. Business plan. Trust me. We are not lining the jacuzzi in individual gold plated marmot teeth. Buy some stuff, help put the dog on a plane. Gracias por todo.
I hope everyone that reads your blog will buy something in exchange for all the free entertainment you and Team Small Dog dish out on a regular basis.
Besides the many shirts people have bought, some VERY generous readers, (including my mom and dad!) have contributed to the Otterpop air fund! The generosity is overwhelming!
But really. We want people to like this stuff! Buy it because you like it! Sure it helps us fund agility, which starts to get expensive when it involves airplanes. But cool stuff, right?
One tote bag received yesterday (after I realized the first order never went through, we got it on the second try, durh).
We like it, lots. It will be toted with pride. Can also double as a flag while we watch Otterpop's run streaming online.*
*I am assuming there will be streaming as that what seems to happen at these types of things?
Right on, tote with pride!
There is streaming in the big fancy finals. Whether Otterpop makes it to those fancy finals, remains to be seen. We don't want to even think about that. We'll be happy if she runs her fastest and doesn't bark at any judges. Making it to the finals would be a whole other unprecedented level of amazingness.
There will be daily reports with still photos, though, assuming friendly, happy motel room wifi that likes Macs! I haven't yet jumped on the iphone train so I won't be streaming anything myself from the show grounds. I'm old fashioned that way. I still use pens half the time.
I got my t-shirts yesterday and they are really nice! So, I'm glad I bought them for me and I'm very glad I bought them for YOU and Otterpop. I love your blog and can't wait for your take on Kentucky.
I am patiently waiting on my hoodie. Hopefully it will arrive before the weekend. Wisp could have used it this past weekend when she actually was nice and didn't bite. GO OTTERPOP!!! (and Laura)
Got my TSD shirt yesterday and love it, now I may have to order the Very Special Otterpop "Be Nice" shirt. Loves me some Otterpop, who so reminds me of my dearly missed Sooty dog. Who was also small, fast, and kicked some ass in her day. Also a rescued (from a dumpster) mutt dawg.
Virginia in Texas
Got my Be Nice Don't Bite zip hoodie today and I love it! Hopefully Otterpop won't recognize herself on my jacket if we ever head up north to trial in your neck of the woods. I suspect Otterpop will not think I am cool enough to be sporting her likeness, but I don't think Otterpop would believe anyone was cool enough to sport her likeness. Best of luck in Kentucky!
I love my shirts too. Have fun and kick butt in Kentucky. Do it for the small dog I lost a month ago.
I'm so glad you all like the shirts!
Got my "Small Fast Kick Yer Ass" shirt yesterday. LOVE IT! (and nice quality too.) I run a blonde version of the Team Small Dogs dogs and shirt is just too perfect. Good Luck in KY!
I got my thank-you TSD postcards in the mail and that was a pleasant surprise! Plus they smell good! (Freshly printed or something, who knows. Maybe i have weird sense of what smells good.)
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