17 June 2010

TSD True Life Dog Agility Stories - Bring on the Damn Teams.

I know it might seem like the life of Team Small Dog is all glamorous beach trips and forest running, picnics and stiletto heel shopping in stretch limos. Riding on camels wearing jeweled tiaras and road trips across the desert on our extended vacations. I think I read that on Team Small Dog. I think that I occasionally confuse fact and fiction, so maybe I got that from somewhere else.

But, here. You want some nitty gritty? True, harsh life. I emailed the whole dog club the other day, looking for a team for Gustavo for an upcoming trial. My non dog agility friends, we have discussed this many times. Remember, like a members only knitting club and you are a bumbling crocheter? And you wander around holding up the lopsided beanie you're making, looking for pals, and the knitters all look downward and are super busy counting stitches. And they are making sweaters. With arms. And buttonholes.

Some knitters like to have some freeform crochet around some of the time. For laughs. Thanks you knitters. If I was a wish genie, I'd make sure you never stab yourself with your sharp sticks. Others? Did I mention their sweaters have arms? And buttonholes?

This team time around, only one person brave enough to take on me and Gustavo on as teammates. A teenager who's afraid all the grumpy adults will be mean to her because her dog sometimes misses contacts. I have assured her mom that, no, indeed, SHE is doing me a favor. And I am totally not grumpy. Hopefully. Certainly not with a teenager that misses contacts. Who is the only one that will take us.

A healthy dose of reality. Youch.


brittany said...

I would join your team, but my dogs are both big... and we are all the way across the country!

But it's a game, dude, if you can stand your teammate then be on a team with them! You win, awesome. You don't? well. Threelegged racing is awful fun if you win, and still fun if you fall down.

Amy Carlson said...

I resemble that comment!! Something similar last winter......Ended up teaming with a lady twice my age (and I am OLD), with a tiny dog that can barely make time. HAH!! We placed second, damnit! And PVP was the biggest class/group that trial!! :D
You just never know........

team small dog said...

I will admit he is pre-booked a year in advance for the December team. They aren't afraid to team with us!

vici whisner said...

Those Damn teams! You know that as soon as Fin is back at it, I'll team up with you anytime! Oh, wait, as a matter of fact, we are teamed :) Can't wait.

Lisa B. said...

I would totally happily team with you!! Also, Talladega asked me if you would show her picture to Gustavo and ask if he would be her boyfriend: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bunchofpants/4572797991/

team small dog said...

Oh my gosh-if you ever come out here, Lisa, Talladega, Gustavo and his other girlfriend Zuma, totally a team!

Lisa B. said...

I really need to go out west. When I find the rich boyfriend who will buy me the RV, Gustavo and his babes will be a damn team!