Let's start with some team shirts for the upcoming DAM team trial in December. EVERYTHING'S for sale at Xmastime. You can have one too. Even ones from the team I'm not on. Just make sure you save 'em for Xmas.
Pretend you're on Gustavo's team. Because who wouldn't want to do that? The most E's in agiliteee. Hey, come on. It's going to be a really CUTE team.

Or, for all you fans of Jewish aetheist Emma Goldman, a team shirt I made for some friends? Because nothing says dog agility like the 19th century Danish socialist anarchist movement.

Perfect! Anarcha Aussies. Love it! Bought It! Thanks!
Right on-who knew there were so many Aussie anarchist fans?
very fun. Now the aussie anarchists can recognize each other in the crowd!
While watching Team Relay finals yesterday, we noted that those teams that did well had matching team shirts...so you should plug the concept that it's been proven that teams are more likely to qualify and place with a team uniform.
Well, there you go. A proven concept! Gustavo's team's slogan is "The Most E's in Agiliteeee" but we will have matching shirts, so that hopefully evens out the playing field.
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