If you asked Gustavo about what he did yesterday, I'm not sure what he would tell you. Something about grass and chewing sticks.

Which was a popular part of the day, there were a lot of sticks available there, in the shade, on the nice grass. We were out at a Susan and Kraig's agility house for a Bayteam practice. Bayteam is one of the 2 dog clubs I belong to. Which pretty much exist so we can have lots of USDAA trials around here. Bayteam's next trial is the Southwest Regionals so we all need to practice up.

The difference of going to a practice instead of a dog show is everyone sits around a lot in the shade and is not running around freaking out and looking for drills or wondering if there is another walk thru or where did the scribe go. The difference of practicing with everyone, instead of practing by ourselves is we had a bbq. Mary is all chill. Peace, baby. Or she is memorizing how to do that stupid old serpentine out there. We carpooled out to the practice. My dogs always say mean things to her dog in the car. Her dog is big, but seriously outnumbered.

Mike is one of Gustavo's favorite agility friends. He always wears that hat. Gustavo is ok with that. Mike is a perpetual Crew Chief at all trials. You will see him at Regionals. He'll be wearing that hat.

Mike didn't realize all little dogs weren't as cuddly as Gustavo. He has border collies. He doesn't know Otterpop hates all border collies due to frisbee theft. I believe he called Otterpop "Doggy" here. Like in the sentence, "Cute little doggy." I believe he even considered petting her.

In retaliation, she sent extra evil stink eye at him and he got really, really nervous. Although did keep petting Ruby and Gustavo. You can call them doggies and they do nothing evil.

There's Cheri, Mike's wife, and her young dog Jeepers. She uses the pointy finger like I do.

Kathleen came to practice, even though she has her very own agility grass at her house.

Barbara is the Vice President of the Bayteam. This is what Vice Presidents get to wear to dog agility. No shoes and sporty hat! I am pretty sure Vice President Biden always wears shoes, even to dog agility. And never, ever wears sporty hat.

Kidd belongs to Tania. She is President of Bayteam which meant she had to make all the cookies for the bbq. Kidd is a dog that totally knows his left from his right. Like I know 10 year olds that don't know that.

Also, she wears shoes.
Sounds like fun. Too bad I missed all the food. Had to be somewhere else where there was lots of food. But not homemade potlucky like the BTPD. Thanks for the additional viewpoint to supplement Barbara's photos.
What's agility grass? I have clover covering my field. Maybe it's not just any ole clover, but "agility clover"? There is also crab grass. Maybe that's actually "agility crab grass" and all the weeds. Maybe Jenji Kohan can write an episode about "agility weeds".
Your half-assed photos are better than most people's full-assed ones! Also, the Pointy Finger in your Cool Font is made of awesome. Almost as cool as the laser beam.
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