Sakes alive. That's my work hat. It's supposed to prevent wrinkles. I wore it to dog agility today. My friend Ellen took these educational photos so everyone can see what hard work we do at the dog show.

I was running around all over the place. Checking on the garbage. Running leashes. Setting bars. Even running dogs. Ended up working the gate at some point. During one of those mayhem classes.

No one was showing up. They were all at another ring or just somewhere else. The judge, trying to stay patient.

Also, it helps if the gate person pays very, very close attention at all times. Wanna guess how long my concentration span is?

Hope no permanent damage done to anyone's dog agility career by the lame ass small dog lady in the cowgirl hat. It's supposed to be FUN, right?
Hope your hand feels better. Did you stick it under a garbage truck?
Good job with the photos. Had it been me, my clever annotations would've probably been something like "Here's Laura." "here's laura again." "Here's laura again." "Again, here's Laura." "Here's laura by the side of the ring." "Here's laura next to the ring." "Here's the spanish inquisition." "What?! I didn't expect the spanish inquisition!"
So our readers are much happier that I sent YOU the photos instead of posting them myself.
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