Here are some things I can tell you about. Um, you wanted to know who was winning stuff? Uh, I am probably the wrong person to ask. I am really bad at keeping track. I don't even know if I made the second round of the Grand Prix? I assume not, unless someone tells me I have to run tomorrow. But my dogs were ok. They've been better, but they've been worse. I'm not sure if Ruby wants a dog show career anymore.
Really, everyone seemed like they were having a pretty good time. Festive! No freaking out that I was hearing. A scarey moment when a super champion dog had a seizure right in his weave poles. He'll be ok. I ran leashes for a big chunk of the Grand Prix, and I CAN tell you what the latest style in leashes is. Sort of plasticky, woven slip leads with some little beads on them sometimes. Also saw a whole buncha dogs I don't know from far off lands like LA and Oregon and I don't know where else. An agility tattoo of a dog in a tunnel-maybe this is a famous agility lady?
I didn't see anyone weeping in the ladies room. Always a good sign!

The people from the news came.

Eric is videoing my good runs. He will try to be at another ring during my bad runs.

Rob took REAL pictures of dog agility.

I don't know what Sue was trying to tell me. This lady is one fierce competitor. In a do-rag.

People came in all kinds of rvs. Some were really super gigantor ones.

Super cute little ones.

Jim and Sue did a lot of course building.

Karey demonstrates Stop in the Name of Love hand, a useful dog agility move.

This Laura looks VERY supermodel in her skort.

Mary does the robot while her dog weaves.

This is also a Mary. Hey and she is doing the robot too!

Derby did a fine job on this weird angle first jump. Tammy is catching up to me in age now. She just turned 40.

Hobbes, not so much on his weird angle first jump. He is kind of having a first jump thing.

Hobbes, why do you do that?

Sometimes, you can just be a big huge dork.

And very, very fierce.

I hope I didn't give you a phobia. But can you see why I am so crazy about Hobbes? He is the cutest border collie I have ever seen.

Killy is a multi talented border collie.

Very tricky trick. Dave told me Erika loves my blog. I think he was rolling his eyes.

Tater just came for the Grand Prix on Saturday. Tater is one of my most favorite dogs. Him and Ruby go Way Back.

This was Otterpop's pairs partner. Thanks for being a good dog for pairs and Grand Prix Otterpop! You held it together. Baxter the corgi was very happy about that.

Jeep flew all the way from Connecticut. Her and Katie are super champions! We hope you win!

For Team Small Dog, it's mostly about just going down to a giant, empty field before getting back in the car and playing frisbee for a while. Eating some pieces of cheese. The agility part? It's ok. The running and barking and biting and frisbee and cheese part? Right on.
Ah, I'll bet I know the lady with the dog/tunnel tattoo. She has a little Pyr Shep and used to live in Colorado but moved to CA a few months ago I think. I don't think she's 'famous' but what do I know. I think her dog is related to the 'famous' Pyr Shep from CA so maybe that counts?
It's always a good day when the dogs don't freak out.
Now that's a report! Good luck..hope you get that vacation to Scottsdale! Would love your reporting on the "big show"!
I can't believe how many ppl really wear the skorts! Up here (Ontario, Canada) it's warm-up track pants or sporty capri's.
Yes, I met this lady and she is from Colorado and moved to California and her dog is Luka's sister. She was nice. We practiced our hard jumpers turns outside the ring together for a while. We looked like crazy people. She has nice skort outfits.
Regionals was basically skort-a-rama. A lot of super world champion people wear whole matching skorty outfits! I was highly impressed with the skortness, and felt very out of season in my brown skort today. There were a lot of nice summer skorts. This fashion may be on it's way to Canada soon?
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